About a year ago I started this business and website. I gave away a gift certificate to encourage people to sign up for my email list, and Holly was the lucky winner! We decided to not only do family photos, but also incorporate my very first maternity session as well. I have to say, we had a LOT of fun, and it was so wonderful to be so very close to that beautiful belly!! Thank you to Jesse, Owen and Nana Beth who all came along for the session :) I love the images we captured!
These extra two are just some of the most hilarious ones I've encountered on a shoot. Owen apparently is working on his stand up skills, because he tells the most hilarious jokes.....like "Tomato!" or "Bunny Rabbit!". Its cute just hearing what he says, but even more adorable is his body language - just like a little comic! Check him out in action here!
Here, I was doing a couple very nice shots of just Holly and Jesse while Owen was off playing....and all the sudden he decided he wanted to be in the pic too! So he sauntered over and joined us :)